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Gutman Library Hybrid Book Talk: Restorative Resistance in Higher Education
For in-person registration, visit: bit.ly/RestorativeResistance
For online registration: bit.ly/RestorativeResistVirtual
In Restorative Resistance in Higher Education, diversity researcher and educator Richard J. Reddick, Ed.M.'98, Ed.D.'07, shares the wisdom gained from three decades of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work in educational settings. Reddick centers DEI efforts as challenging yet essential components of college life, recognizing campus environments not just as mirrors reflecting societal values and biases but also as crucibles for social change. He advocates developmental relationships such as mentoring, role modeling, and coaching as a means for historically marginalized students to access hidden educational pathways. He also encourages frank discussion of the social and emotional tax on persons who participate in or lead work on these highly charged issues. Throughout this crucial work, Reddick emphasizes the importance of restorative and sustaining approaches: those that promote practitioner well-being and challenge unjust structures.
Author Richard Reddick will be joined by James P. Honan, Ed.D.’89, Senior Lecturer on Education at HGSE.
Contact myanne_krivoshey@gse.harvard.edu if you have questions/requests regarding accessibility. Learn about future events at https://www.gse.harvard.edu/library/book-talks
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