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Gutman Library Book Talk - Teaching the Invisible Race: Embodying a Pro-Asian American Lens in Schools

Register at bit.ly/TeachingInvisibleRaceTalk
In Teaching the Invisible Race, anti-bias and anti-racist educator and researcher Tony DelaRosa, Ed.M.'18, delivers an insightful and hands-on treatment of how to embody a pro-Asian American lens in your classroom while combating anti-Asian hate in your school. The author offers stories, case studies, research, and frameworks that will help you build the knowledge, mindset, and skills you need to teach Asian-American history and stories in your curriculum.
With Dr. Christina "V" Villarreal, Ed.M.’05, Lecturer on Education, HGSE, Dr. Josephine M. Kim, Senior Lecturer on Education, HGSE, and Eleanor V. Wikstrom ’24, Rhodes Scholar.
Contact Myanne Krivoshey if you have questions/requests regarding accessibility. Learn about and register for future events at gse.harvard.edu/community/library/book-talks. All our book talks are free and open to the public!
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