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Data + Donuts // Forrest Hangen on Studying Housing Inequities with Big Data
Forrest Hangen is a PhD Candidate in Public Policy focusing on Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. He is also an affiliate of the Boston Area Research Initiative. Forrest studies inequities in housing using “big” data and computational social science methodologies at multiple geographic scales. His most recent work focuses on uncovering ownership obscurity to study landlords and their strategies of social and physical property management. He uses fuzzy-matching to connect tax assessment and corporation records to link landlords and investors to their property portfolios.
At this session of Data + Donuts, Forrest will speak about his computational research on housing inequities.
This event will be held in a hybrid format. Register to receive a link to join via Zoom. In-person attendees can join us in Ofer 401. Those without an HUID may enter via the Wexner security desk.
Data + Donuts features researchers and practitioners speaking about how they use data in their work, and on issues of data and society. We welcome those from the HKS community and beyond to share knowledge, discussion, and donuts. Explore the full list of past speakers. Video recordings are available upon request.
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