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Data + Donuts // Shira Zilberstein on Machine Learning in Healthcare

Shira Zilberstein is a PhD candidate in sociology at Harvard University and a former fellow in the Science and Technology Studies program at Harvard Kennedy School. Her dissertation focuses on the cultural and organizational influences that shape the creation of AI technologies for healthcare. Broadly, she explores how research institutions deploy different forms of knowledge to define and address social problems. Learn more about Zilberstein's work in the Harvard Griffin GSAS News.
At this session of Data + Donuts, Zilberstein will speak about the process of creating machine learning models for healthcare, the organizational tensions that influence that process, and the data she uses to examine it.
This event will be held in a hybrid format. Register to receive a link to join via Zoom. In-person attendees can join us in Wexner 102 (down the hall to the right of the main Wexner entrance). Those without an HUID may enter via the Wexner security desk after showing a photo ID. View a map of campus.
Data + Donuts features researchers and practitioners speaking about how they use data in their work, and on issues of data and society. We welcome those from the HKS community and beyond to share knowledge, discussion, and donuts. Explore the full list of past speakers. Video recordings are available upon request.
The HKS Library encourages individuals with disabilities to participate in our events. If we can make attendance easier for you, please email library_research@hks.harvard.edu or call 617-495-1300.
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