Event box

Primary Sources in History: Digitized Personal Papers and Organization Records

Friday, October 11, 2024, 11:30am - 12:00pm
Online, Harvard ID required, Workshop,
Registration has closed.

History Librarians Fred Burchsted & Anna Assogba will present a 30-minute workshop focused on digitized personal papers and organizational records/papers as a key primary source for researchers in history-related fields. Note that we offer a separate, longer workshop focusing on how to locate archival and manuscript material in general (not just digitized material). 

  • Learn the best places and strategies to search for digitized personal papers and organizational records.


This workshop is part of the Primary Sources in History and History of Medicine Workshop Series. Register or find the recordings for all workshops in the series on the September 2024 Newsletter page of the History guide.

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Event Organizer

Fred Burchsted
Profile photo of Anna Assogba
Anna Assogba