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Photo Workshop: Looking -> Seeing: Take a Dive into Historical Photographs Collections

Did you know Harvard holds nearly 10 million photographs across its libraries, museums, and archives? Harvard collections span the lifetime of photography, documenting the evolution of the medium. Come learn more about it in a series of two workshops on photographs. Sign up for one or both as you wish!
This session will focus on active looking, where we’ll investigate photographs from the collections to learn how to think critically about how we see images and the language we use to describe them.
Session led by:
Joanne Bloom, Photographic Resources Librarian, Fine Arts Library
Lilli Keaney, Harrison D. Horblit Photograph Librarian, Houghton Library
This listing is for the Looking-> Seeing session. Please follow this link to register for the Photograph Identification session: https://libcal.library.harvard.edu/calendar/staff/photo-ID
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The workshop is held in Houghton Library's Hofer Classroom. Participants meet in lobby of the library.
Persons with disabilities who would like to request accommodations or have questions about physical access may contact Lilli Keaney (lillianne_keaney@harvard.edu) in advance of the workshop.