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"Do It Yourself!" Workshop #4: Pamphlet-Making with Harvard Library Preservation Services

As part of Houghton’s spring exhibition “Do It Yourself! Self-Publishing from Letterpress to LaserJet,” join local artists, zine-makers, and designers in a series of hands-on workshops. Workshops are free and open to the public, and all materials will be provided. Space is limited and registration is required.
Workshop 4: Join staff from Harvard Library Preservation Services to create two pamphlets. They are simple books you can easily create on your own with a variety of materials. For the first pamphlet, you will fold and cut a single sheet of paper to turn it into a small booklet. For the second pamphlet, you will fold and sew a single gathering.
We will also show you how a more complex pamphlet is made - the Sing Weaver by Claire Van Vliet and Elizabeth Steiner, on view in the exhibition. We will have materials and models for you to handle and deconstruct.
The workshop will take place in the exhibition room, so we can find inspiration from the items on display as you make your own creations!
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Attendees should gather in Houghton's first-floor Edison and Newman Room. Curators request that participants wear face coverings; Houghton can provide masks if needed.
Persons with disabilities who would like to request accommodations or have questions about physical access may contact Houghton Library's Administrative Coordinator Le Huong Huynh by email or at 617-495-2443 in advance of the workshop.