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WAX POETIC: Public Listening Sessions at the Woodberry Poetry Room

This April, in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Harvard Vocarium record label, we are pleased to inaugurate a series of public listening sessions on the original, Alvar Aalto-designed record consoles at the Woodberry Poetry Room. The first sessions will feature a curated selection of quintessential Vocarium records paired with hot-off-the-press records from Fonograf Editions, spanning a full 90 years of record production:
- T. S. Eliot: Reading His Own Poems (1933)
- Marianne Moore: Reading Her Own Poems (1944)
- Muriel Rukeyser: Reading Her Own Poems (1944)
- Eileen Myles, Aloha/Irish Trees (2016)
- Nathaniel Mackey & Susan Howe, Stray: A Graphic Tone (2019)
- Douglas Kearney & Val Jeanty, Fodder (2021)
In-Person Attendance: Registration is not required to attend the Listening Sessions, which may accommodate up to eight listeners at any given time. If you would like to attend as a group of two or more, please email us in advance at poetryrm@fas.harvard.edu so that we can reserve your seats. Headphones will be provided. Free and open to the public.
Additional sessions will take place on Thursday, April 20th, and Thursday, April 27th, from 3:00-7:00pm.
For details on how to access records beyond the Listening Session hours, please visit Woodberry Poetry Room Collection of Vinyl Records.
The Listening Sessions are in conjunction with our exhibit, Harvard Vocarium at Ninety.
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