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Gutman Library

Gutman Library Book Talk - New Civics, New Citizens: Critical, Competent, and Responsible Agents

Monday, April 8, 2024, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Gutman Library
Open to the public, Book Talk,

What is civic identity and how does participation reflect it? 

‘Civic’ participation increasingly extends beyond voting in elections, to informal and unconventional action. Making one’s voice heard involves diverse communication media and wide-ranging skills. Young people are motivated to engagement by concern about climate change and the rights of marginalized people. Social media empower but bring the threat of extremism. Civic education – New Civics – must channel and foster these trends. To create critical, active and responsible citizenship, knowledge alone is not enough; young people need to able to take critical perspectives on a wide range of social and political issues, and to acquire the social, cognitive and organizational skills to do so.

Join us for a discussion with editors Helen Haste and Janine Bempechat, Ed.M.'79, Ed.D.'86. Please register for in-person or on Zoom at bit.ly/NewCivicsNewCitizens

Please contact myanne_krivoshey@gse.harvard.edu if you have questions/requests regarding accessibility.

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Event Organizer

Myanne Krivoshey