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URC Lunch & Learn: MIT Libraries Discovery Research - Methods and Insights
In the spring of 2022, the MIT Libraries User Experience & Web Services (UXWS) team conducted exploratory research into the MIT community’s search and discovery processes across all tools (not just MIT Libraries tools). The goal was to produce user-focused data to support the creation of the Discovery Strategic Plan. This presentation will cover the methods used and key insights learned.
Speaker Bios:
Stephanie Hartman
Stephanie Hartman is a Senior UX Designer at MIT Libraries. Stephanie’s been in the world of UX in libraries since 2010. Before that she worked for five years as an outreach librarian. She gets her hands dirty in all areas of UX, depending on projects and priorities, and serves as the lead for the team on matters of content strategy and user research. She also snaps backwards.
The presentation will be held from 12:00-1:00 PM on Zoom. Zoom meeting information will be sent via email once you register.
Open to all Harvard affiliates. Please RSVP for the event below. If you have any questions, please contact libraryux@harvard.edu.
Accommodation Statement: Persons with disabilities who would like to request accommodations or have questions may contact the User Research Center at libraryux@harvard.edu in advance of the event.
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