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Bryant Fellowship Reception
Please join us Wednesday, July 17, from 1-2pm ET, in Lamont Forum room, where we will celbrate the Bryant fellows and and their work!
Virtual option to join: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/5790902817
The staff receiving awards for this round are:
Anne-Marie Eze, Houghton Library
Boss Like Belle: A Podcast on Library Leadership Inspired by the Career of Belle da Costa Greene (1879–1950)
In 1900 Belle Marion Greener crossed the color line from Black to white, reinventing herself as Belle da Costa Greene, personal librarian and confidant to banker J. Pierpont Morgan, pioneering career woman, glamorous “it girl,” and first director of the Morgan Library in New York City. The podcast chart shows this path-breaking librarian who hid her Blackness to succeed, helping Anne-Marie Eze find her authenticity as a Black leader at Harvard Library a century later.
Dawn Miller, Information & Technical Services
Revealing the Legacy of the Black U.S. Military Court Guards in the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials
This project expands upon the 2023 Advancing Open Knowledge Grant, Defeating Nazism and Confronting Jim Crow: Identifying Black U.S. Military Court Guards in the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials. Revealing the Legacy of the Black U.S. Military Court Guards in the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials will achieve this by undertaking additional research to develop the narrative surrounding the service of segregated Black troops more fully at the historic Nuremberg Trials, and to publish these findings in an open-access journal.
Madeleine Murphy, Schlesinger Library
Radical Trust: Access Services Best Practices for Archives Engaged in Carceral Collecting
There is growing interest in carceral collecting in university archives and special collections. Much of the literature within the field has focused on the acquisition of new collections and processing collections. There is a gap in the literature in regard to what archives engaged in carceral collecting should be considering when it comes to making the material accessible. This project seeks to offer preliminary suggestions for best practices and encourage further discussion regarding the ethical obligations involved in stewarding access to carceral collections.
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