Event box

Lamont Library

Arabic Letterpress Lecture & Demonstration

Friday, September 6, 2024, 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Lamont Library
Harvard ID required, Presentation, Workshop,

Designer and researcher Aya Krisht, co-founder of Maamoul Press and holder of the largest known Arabic metal type collection in the United States, will give an overview of the history of Arabic letterpress and movable type. She will explore some challenges and idiosyncrasies of the letterforms with examples from her collection and her involvement with Arabic movable type revival efforts. At the end of the session, participants will interact with a specimen of Arabic metal type and pull their own letterpress prints to take with them.


Aya Krisht is a designer, printmaker, and researcher based in metro Detroit, with roots in the Galilee. Her practice is concerned with art and craft tradition and preservation, particularly in the face of colonial erasure, with a focus on letterpress and Arabic movable type.


Location: Lamont Library, Forum Room

Sponsored by the Fine Arts Library in collaboration with Houghton Library

Event Organizer: Amanda Hannoosh Steinberg
For non-Harvard affiliates who are interested in joining us, please contact Amanda Hannoosh Steinberg at asteinberg@fas.harvard.edu.



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Naoe Suzuki