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Cabot Science Library

Getting Started with Evidence Synthesis: Best Practices for Literature Review Projects

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Instruction Room (Room #LL03)
Harvard ID required, Workshop,

Registration is required. There are 15 seats available.

Are you planning or currently conducting a systematic review, scoping review, or meta-analysis? Drop-in for a workshop on evidence synthesis methods and best practices for literature review projects. We’ll explore:

• Defining and refining a clear research question

• Developing a structured, reproducible search strategy

• Managing references and screening studies efficiently

• Reporting findings using established guidelines (e.g., PRISMA)

Librarians from the Evidence Synthesis Service will walk you through the key steps of conducting a high-quality evidence synthesis, offering tips, tools, and resources tailored to your research needs.

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This session is geared toward researchers, students, or faculty members who are new to evidence synthesis or looking to enhance their review projects. All disciplines are welcome. It will be held in the Cabot Science Library.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Ramona Crawford
Ramona Crawford


Head of Academic Partnerships

Services for Academic Programs

Ehsan Moghadam