Event box
Japanese Language Resources Orientation
We offer in-person research orientation sessions with in-depth guidance on how to best access and utilize our wide variety of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean e-resources and databases. Please feel free to forward this schedule to your friends and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there.
February |
March |
April |
Chinese |
February 10th |
March 18th |
April 9th |
Japanese |
February 13th |
March 19th |
April 15th |
Korean |
February 12th |
March 25th |
April 17th |
All sessions at 3 PM, location as indicated.
If you cannot attend any of these sessions, we also offer one-on-one sessions (either in-person or via Zoom). Please make appointments directly with the Language Bibliographers:
- Chinese Language Resources – Xiaohe Ma xhma@fas.harvard.edu (along with Sharon Li-shiuan Yang yang8@fas.harvard.edu for the scheduled group orientations)
- Japanese Language Resources – Kuniko Yamada McVey kmcvey@fas.harvard.edu
- Korean Language Resources – Mikyung Kang mlkang@fas.harvard.edu
Related LibGuide: Research Guide for Japanese Studies by Reed Lowrie
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