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Countway Library

Better Research V: Tips and Tricks for Writing an Actionable Data Management Plan

Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Countway Library
Harvard ID required, Open to the public, OSRDS,

Begin Registration


U.S. Federal funders, and many private funders, require making data associated with grants available for further research. Grant proposals may require data management plans (or Data Management and Sharing plans) that describe how the proposal will meet those requirements.

Need to write a data management plan? Join this workshop to ensure your grant proposal addresses federal guidelines. We will use the DMPTool, an online (and Harvard-customized) tool for crafting funder-specific and actionable data management plans. This will be an interactive working session, so please come prepared to work individually or with others on your team. 

This workshop hosted by Countway Library is open to all researchers and scholars interested in meeting the data management requirements of various federal funding agencies.

InstructorsJulie Goldman, Research Data Services, Countway Library
Meghan Kerr, Archivist and Records Manager, Center for the History of Medicine
Ashley Thomas, Health Science Data and Digital Services Librarian, Countway Library

Registration is required.

You may attend in-person at Countway Library or virtually over Zoom. In-person registration is limited and attendees must have a Harvard University ID (HUID) to enter the Countway Library.

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Spring 2025 Research Data Management Seminar Series

  • January 29 - Data Literacy: Introduction to GIS
  • February 27 - Research Management: The Ins & Outs of Making Your Work Open Access at Harvard
  • March 19 - Better Research IV: A Guide to Efficient Research Practices
  • March 26 - Better Research V: Tips and Tricks for Writing an Actionable Data Management Plan
  • April 9 - Research Management: Closing Out Your Research
  • April 23 - Better Research VI: Data Sharing with Harvard Dataverse
  • May 21 - Research Management: Research Data Stewardship Basics

Seminar Audience

  • Seminars are open to all faculty, research staff, postdoctoral researchers, and students from all disciplines.
  • In-person workshops are open to Harvard University ID holders only.
  • Online webinars are open to the public research community.
  • While content will focus on Harvard policies and resources, participants from other insitutions may find the concepts useful.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Julie Goldman
Julie Goldman


Need help with data management? Feel free to book a 30 minute meeting slot with me.

Happy to help with data organization, cleaning, and sharing for fostering reproducible workflows and open science!