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Can I Quote That? Fair Use & Your Scholarly Rights

Friday, April 18, 2025, 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Online, Harvard ID required, Workshop > Unabridged,

Registration is required. There are 28 seats available.

Whether you are about to submit a dissertation, or publish a chapter or article, this session will make you feel confident that the way you’re using copyrighted material—via quotation, embedded images or media, or otherwise—is permissible under the law.


Normally, any use of another party's copyrighted material requires permission from the rightsholder, and in some circumstances, you may need to pay a licensing fee. However, the fair use doctrine allows scholars to use copyrighted material under certain conditions without seeking permission. But there are factors and guidelines you need to know to successfully make a fair use. In this interactive session with Kyle K. Courtney, Director of Copyright and Information Policy, you will learn:

  • how the concept of “copyright” is defined by U.S. statutes
  • what are the fair use “four factors” and how cases have interpreted these factors
  • how to apply the four factors in different situations
  • how to protect your rights as a scholar


This is an Unabridged “Bookends” workshop. Bookends workshops are designed for graduate students, with topics that complement Unabridged’s January intensive. More program details on our website.


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Profile photo of Emily Bell
Emily Bell
Kyle Courtney
Profile photo of Anna Assogba
Anna Assogba