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Know Before You Go: Preparing for Summer Research (Part I)

Thursday, May 1, 2025, 10:00am - 11:00am
Online, Harvard ID required, Workshop,

Registration is required. There are 29 seats available.

LOCATION: Online, via Zoom - Register to receive the Zoom link. 

This workshop will help you make the most of your summer research no matter where you’ll be. Review the best ways to prepare for future research travel, brainstorm workarounds you can use to make progress from home, and learn about your colleagues’ experiences visiting repositories around the world.

Check out our Research Travel Checklist for a preview of what we'll be talking about.


This is an Unabridged “Bookends” workshop. Bookends workshops are designed for graduate students, with topics that complement Unabridged’s January intensive. More program details on our website

Part II of this workshop series will be offered by the GSAS Fellowships & Writing Center on May 8th. Check the GW&FC workshops page for details and registration.

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Event Organizer

Profile photo of Odile Harter
Odile Harter
Profile photo of Anna Assogba
Anna Assogba