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Harvard Library

From catalogs to CURIOSity

Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Virtual (Zoom)
Online, Harvard ID required, Event, Presentation,
Registration has closed.

Ever wondered what LibraryCloud is and how it is used? 

To celebrate Love Data Week come learn how Harvard Library uses LibraryCloud to support digital collections work. LibraryCloud is a metadata hub that provides open access to metadata from our source catalogs and digital repository. We'll explain how we used and enhanced LibraryCloud to create CURIOSity and Harvard Digital Collections.

SpeakersVanessa Venti, Library Analyst for Stewardship of Digital Assets, UX and Strategy
Michael Vandermillen, Lead Digital Library Software Engineer, Library Technology Services
Robin Wendler, Senior Metadata Analyst, Library Technology Services

Please register to receive the Zoom webinar instructions.

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Julie Goldman


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Happy to help with data organization, cleaning, and sharing for fostering reproducible workflows and open science!