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Loeb Music Library

Exhibition Opening: 芳音如蘭 Sweet Sounds from Rulan Chao Pian

Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Loeb Music Library
Open to the public, Event, Presentation,

“Sweet Sounds from Rulan Chao Pian" honors the life and work of Rulan Chao Pian (April. 20, 1922 - November 30, 2013), professor, scholar, and ethnomusicologist. She was born into a family of Chinese scholars and musicians, studying both in China and in the United States. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Western music history from Radcliffe College in the 1940s, and a Ph.D. from Harvard in 1960 in East Asian Languages and Music. She taught both Chinese language and music at Harvard, and in 1974 she was named tenured Professor, one of the first women to attain this rank and the very first Chinese American woman professor at the university.

The exhibition features material she collected throughout her life and donated to the Loeb Music Library after her retirement in 1992, including rare books and recordings, original ethnographic field recordings, and other material from her life, research and teaching. Sweet Sounds from Rulan Chao Pian is fully bilingual, with all exhibition signage available in English and Chinese.

The exhibition opening will be held in the Spalding Room, Loeb Music Library.

Please note: The exhibition is open to visitors with Harvard ID or proof of COVID-19 vaccination and booster. All visitors attending the reception will be asked to sign in. Face coverings are recommended, but not required. For the most up-to-date COVID-19 guidance, please visit Harvard Library Visitor Access.

芳音如蘭 Sweet Sounds from Rulan Chao Pian

2022年4月20日是前哈佛大學榮休教授、民族音樂學家趙如蘭教授的百年誕辰,值此之际,哈佛大學音樂圖書館将举办“芳音如蘭” 紀念展覧。 卞趙如蘭(1922.4.20—2013.11.30)出身于一个中國學者和音樂家的家庭,曾在中國和美國两地求學,先後獲得歐洲音樂史學士、碩士、中國音樂史博士等學位。1947年起在哈佛大學教授中文,1962年開始在音樂系開设中國音樂課程,1974年獲聘東亞、音樂两系終身教授,成为哈佛大學首位華裔女教授。 展覧将展出趙教授的一生精彩瞬間,古籍善本、书籍、樂谱等捐贈,以及她積累的部分田野采風錄音錄像。展覧將于4月20日正式開幕,並将持續至2022年8月底。 芳音如蘭Sweet Sounds from Rulan Chao Pian為完全雙語展覧。除文獻記錄外,所有標牌均提供中英文說明。

哈佛大學音樂圖書館将在2022年4月20日下午3-5點舉辦展覧開幕儀式,歡迎莅临。地點為Spalding Room, Loeb Music Library, Harvard University.

請注意:音樂圖書館的展覽對持有哈佛身份證(ID)或 COVID-19 疫苗和加強疫苗接種證明的參觀者開放。參加招待會的所有訪客都需要籤到並建議佩戴口罩。有關最新的 COVID-19 指南,請訪問哈佛圖書館相關頁面:Harvard Library Visitor Access.

Image: Rulan Chao Pian (1992). Courtesy Chinese University of Hong Kong, Rulan Chao Pian Collection.

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Kerry Masteller