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VOCARIUM READING SERIES: Solmaz Sharif & Divya Victor

The inaugural event in the Poetry Room's Fall 2022 Vocarium Reading series will feature National Book Award finalist Solmaz Sharif (author of Customs, Graywolf, 2022) and Kingsley Tuft Poetry Award recipient Divya Victor (author of Curb, Nightboat Books, 2021). Introduction by Andrea Abi-Karam.
In-person Location: Edison-Newman Room, Houghton Library. Free and open to the public.
Online Attendance: Livestreaming available via the WPR YouTube Channel.
Solmaz Sharif is the author of Customs (Graywolf Press, 2022) and Look (Graywolf Press, 2016), a finalist for the National Book Award. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Creative Writing at Arizona State University where she is inaugurating a Poetry for the People program. Divya Victor is the author of CURB (Nightboat Books, winner of PEN America Open Book Award and the Kinglsey Tufts Poetry Award) and KITH (Fence Books). She is currently an Associate Professor of English at Michigan State University. Andrea Abi-Karam is a trans, arab-american punk poet-performer cyborg. They are the author of Extratransmission (Kelsey Street, 2019), Villainy (Nightboat, 2021), and with Kay Gabriel, they co-edited We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (Nightboat, 2020).
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